

Alter: 49
Lehrerfahrung: 18 Jahre
Trigonometrie, Geometrie, Arithmetik, Algebra
Mittelschüler, Oberschüler, Studierende, Erwachsene
Lehrsprachen: English, Yoruba


I graduated from secondary school as a science-oriented student in the year 1992 after which I got admission to the University to study Pure and Applied Mathematics and graduated in the year 1998.


I graduated from secondary school as a science-oriented student in the year 1992 after which I got admission to the University to study Pure and Applied Mathematics and graduated in the year 1998. I got my first job as a Computer Instructor in the year 2000 where I carried out administrative tasks using the spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel) to monitor the enrolments of the students for the computer training, run queries on the database to know the type of course, numbers registered, type of certificates and duration of each candidates program. I also tutored on computer usage using Microsoft Office packages (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint) as well as other applications such as CorelDraw for designing and PageMaker for publishing. I moved on to the education sector after spending 5 years as a computer instructor where I learned how to develop a curriculum, and prepare a lesson plan for each subject. I also develop skills to be an effective teacher such as patience, flexibility, creativity, and humor based on my interaction with adults and children of diverse background that came for computer training and passed through my tutelage.

I got another job as a class teacher cum Mathematics teacher, and here I was tutored on how to use the curriculum prepared by the Ministry of Education to draw out a lesson plan for each academic year for the Junior section and the senior section of the school, take attendance of the students using school register as a class teacher. While there for 17 years, as a Mathematics teacher, I developed various skills on how to be a good and effective teacher, skills like patience with students that have low assimilation rates or partial learning disabilities, flexibility while in class with students with different learning capacity the ability to be able to impact knowledge to both the fast learner and slow learner and still maintain a good class control, creativity using pictures and easy learning tools as instructional materials so that the topic can be easily understood by all, equality by teaching the basics to all the students and equity by attending to individual according to their educational needs, all-inclusive teaching methodology by giving oral tasks in the class and encouraging all to participates. I also learn to be sensitive or conscious of happenings in the classroom environment, where if a student(s) is/are exhibiting an unusual character that is interfering with my duty as a Mathematics teacher, to attend to it or eventually bring it up to the notice of the school management. Also, as a Mathematics teacher, I learn how to write a good and effective lesson plan and lesson notes, how to assess students, and how to set standard examination questions.

I came to the United Kingdom in October 2022, and after learning that I need to have UK teaching experience, I enrolled as a Volunteer Online teacher where I easily blend in because of my IT experience and my teaching experience, I also proceed to be a cover teacher to have a physical teaching environment experience and physical students relationship and communication according to the safeguarding rules and standard in the United Kingdom, where the qualities I have acquired as a teacher for 17 years came handy and these are: To undertake classroom supervision as a teaching staff or in the absence of teaching staff. To provide learning in identified curricular areas as required or support in identified curricular areas as required To create teaching materials for use in lessons or work with teaching staff to create teaching materials for use in cover/other lessons. To ensure students follow pre-set work programmes. To ensure the register and class and student records are maintained. To undertake examination and test invigilation (both internal and external), maintaining rules set by the external examination boards and in-house regulators. To prepare teaching materials or assist in the preparation of teaching materials and displays. To counsel students or assist with personal and pastoral support for students. Good communication skills both verbal and written. Tact and persuasive skills Time management and organisation skills Knowledge of strategies which help and promote good behaviour and discipline in students Knowledge of student development Creativity and Innovation. Communicates effectively with teachers and other professionals whenever the need arises and recognises the need to communicate. And having worked as a Computer Instructor, I have an ICT capability.


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