

Alter: 46
Lehrerfahrung: 21 Jahre
Kostenlose Probestunde
FCE, Lesen, Business-Englisch, Britisches Englisch, Amerikanisches Englisch
Mittelschüler, Oberschüler, Auszubildende, Studierende, Erwachsene
London, Surbiton
Lehrsprachen: English, Portuguese


----> ENGLISH: - Living and Working in England for more than 8 years. - FCE Cambridge First Certification of English Language. ----> IT (Information Technology): - Graduation Bs Information Technology. - Certifications and Diplomas in the IT Field. ----> HEALTH and THERAPEUTICS: - Post-Graduation in Ayurveda (Health, Therapeutics, and Education). - Certifications and Diplomas in the Complementary/Holistic Therapies field.


Hi there! Wish you are having a nice day! ----> ENGLISH LANGUAGE: I lived in ENGLAND for more than 8 years, and once back in Brazil, I taught English for all ages, 1 to 1, groups, in-company, at school, and private. Besides following a nice and structured book, I like adding material that rings right with my students as bringing subjects of interests, related, and real-life situations of course, as e.g. paypals, phone calls, bookings, talking about a theme or text, conversation, etc. Be in touch to book a class to try it out! Then I can share with you the books I would suggest and would hear from you too your expectations and goals. If you are already following a book, we can work through it too after having a look. Classes intend to be a mix of progressing, learning, creativity and having fun. ----> IT: As I work and do things with computers since very young, and was always good in base computing solutions and also given a hand to family and friends, I feel very competente and good at both Teaching & Giving a hand at your computer if you need as: learning to operate some softwares, having a class to learn more in deepth to operate a software (varied options of softwares), tips and recommendations in organizing your computer and files including backups, and some help even with Android mobiles on day to day functions and improvements. I also worked with Programming and Web Development, so some help on those is also available. To adults, older people that need some help and basic classes, and to young people. ---> PORTUGUESE CLASSES: I would be happy to start with you this if you have a good book to recommend that you are perhaps following already, or if you are happy for me to find out a similar material or book for us to start from it. I am very competent in Teaching, but as I haven't taught yet Portuguese classes for foreigns in a formal context (following a book, following grammar progress, etc), I would need to find the right material as a good book to follow as a start! So if you are happy about this, we can discuss further indeed. ----> COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES or CONSULTATIONS: Graduated and practitioner in a varied of modalities, I give consultations and also workshops/trainings. Modalities would include: Bach flower remedies, Soul Plan personalized, Body Work, Reflexology, Meditation. Get in touch! ----> WITH KIND WISHES, Aline. (rates are negotiable especially when agreeing number of classes per week or per month).


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