

Alter: 29
Lehrerfahrung: 7 Jahre
Kostenlose Probestunde
ESOL, CV Schreiben, Aufsatzschreiben, Lesen, Business-Englisch, Britisches Englisch
Mittelschüler, Oberschüler, Studierende, Erwachsene
Lehrsprachen: German, English, Spanish


I have a bachelor's degree in modern languages with German and Spanish. Furthermore, I have completed a 120-hour TEFL course.


Hello! My name is Josh and I'm a native English speaker from Cambridge in the United Kingdom. I've been teaching English as a foreign language for more than six years, and I'm passionate about language learning and teaching. Furthermore, I speak German and Spanish, so I understand what it's like to learn a new language. Over the years, I've been able to learn about many cultures and I feel that I've benefitted from this, because it has helped me to become a more considerate and open-minded person. In my opinion, this is a great strength when teaching English, German or Spanish as a foreign language, because this helps me to better understand my students and help them more effectively. I look forward to meeting you and learning from you too! WHAT AM I LIKE AS A TEACHER? I'm a disciplined teacher with a strong attention to detail. My belief is that everyone has the potential to improve! To this end, I aim to help my students reach their goals by being both positive and supportive at all times, throughout the language learning process. Whatever your reason(s) for learning English or another language, my goal is to provide you with the ideal environment for improving your skills. Also, to make you feel more comfortable, I will do my best to adjust my teaching style and the focus of our lessons to your needs. Feel free to let me know what you need and we'll discuss a suitable learning plan for you! HOW DO I TEACH? WHAT IS MY TEACHING STYLE? We'll use a variety of different materials in our lessons to ensure that your language learning experience is well balanced and engaging. To help you build confidence and improve your proficiency, we'll use different resources, which may include news articles, stories, other texts and videos. As for my teaching style, I'll ensure that you feel relaxed by being encouraging. I'll also focus on helping you to correct your mistakes and speak in a way that's similar to a native speaker, which will improve the quality of your communication. Rest assured that you have no need to be afraid of making mistakes because this will help you to improve your language skills more quickly. I look forward to helping you achieve your goals!


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