

Alter: 55
Lehrerfahrung: 3 Jahre
Englisch für akademische Zwecke (English for Academic Purposes, EAP), CV Schreiben, Aufsatzschreiben, Lesen, Business-Englisch, Amerikanisches Englisch
Mittelschüler, Auszubildende, Studierende, Erwachsene
Lehrsprachen: English, Spanish, French


Bachelor of International Business with University of San Jose, USA and Business Management School in Spain. Master in Business Administration with University of Brussels, Belgium Celta in 2022


Before teaching, I worked during 25 years in the business world. After business studies in America, Spain and France, I started my career lobbying the European Union institutions in Brussels for a large French financial institution. In Brussels, I found a job in Finance for one of the largest U.S. car manufacturers. I studied for my MBA during that time too. From there, I moved to Detroit (USA) to take on a new role for the same company on the subject of Latin America. I had to work in both English and Spanish. After a few years, I moved to New York City to take on a new role for a large U.S. financial institution where I worked for 15 years in various commercial roles. This experience took me to Paris and London and back to New York. At some point my role encompassed business development for the USA and Latin America. At some other point, I headed country management for France. After 25 years around the world in the corporate world, at senior management levels, I have settled in France and decided to become a teacher/tutor. I can teach English and Spanish. I am also fluent in French. I graduated with my CELTA certification at the end of 2022. I can bring the perspective of having worked in the business world, with all the vocabulary this entails. I have taught at all levels and can adapt. However, I can really bring a lot of value to adults who need to speak a foreign language in order to take them to the next level in their career. I see my role as a teacher but also as a language and cultural coach, having navigated the French, Anglo-Saxon and Latin business worlds.


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