

Alter: 36
Lehrerfahrung: 9 Jahre
Kostenlose Probestunde
ESOL, ESP, Englisch für akademische Zwecke (English for Academic Purposes, EAP), CV Schreiben, Aufsatzschreiben, Lesen, TOEIC, Business-Englisch
Mittelschüler, Oberschüler, Studierende, Erwachsene
Lehrsprachen: French, Russian


I am an enthusiastic, curious teacher and curriculum writer.

I have more than 7,5 years of experience as an English teacher focusing on teaching online. In my current role at Modern Educational Solution Ltd. and Smart Formation I organize classes, search and prepare the materials for the class, personalize the material for the classes so that they meet the aim of the student making him/her reach his/her goals, assign and check homework and written tasks, teach students through online or distance courses. Basically, anything the students need to achieve their goals and for them to have a smooth and challenging process of learning. To able to do so I have gained teaching methodology while graduating from the university with a master degree in “Teaching” and have additionally taken the TESOL Course to deepen my knowledge and expertize in teaching English for specific purpose.


I am an enthusiastic, curious, adventurous, loving, kind and joyful nomad, who can happily call herself an up-for-the-challange English teacher, a self-taught pastry baker, a genetically-proven-right cook, and breaking-the-limits runner, cyclist and swimmer.

I have had the greatest pleasure of passing through and staying for a bit in quite a handful of countries, such as Sweden, Canada, the UK, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Turkey and Moldova. Thus, it is easy to assume that I love travelling and putting myself out there in the world to teach, cook, bake, run, cycle, swim and dream big.

Now, knowing this about me, you will not be wrong to assume that the lessons with me are active, challenging, engaging, and life-changing. I am this sort of teacher that breaks all stereotypes and stigmas about learning a language and transforms the learning process in a path to achieving your dreams and goals!

Having said that, I want to point out that I have taken the TESOL and I have acquired additional knowledge on how to write lesson plans and how to work with different age groups. Following the knowledge learnt while taking the TESOL course, I have been involved in projects aiming to write detailed - to the letter - lesson plans for online platforms as well as write full lesson plans and curriculums for each student I have been teaching so far. Consequently, I am able to write and adjust my style of writing lesson plans and curriculums so that it meets the proposed aims. From November 2021 to April 2022, I was involved in writing lesson plans for the "New Business Course” with Modern Educational Solution Ltd. Each lesson was built from scratch containing both classroom activities and homework activities for the online platform. The written lesson plans were designed for different levels of English proficiency. Thus said, I am eager to learn so that I become a true asset for your school.

Additionally, for a period of 12 months starting in November 2021, I led masterclasses via zoom on different topics related mainly to "World Classical Literature", "Documentaries" and "Business Books Reviews". All the materials for the masterclasses are prepared and written by me.


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